Power Supply PS-02 / PS-02-LAN / PS-03 /
As a developer and manufacturer of system independent
measurement accessories, PMK is proud to introduce
its first line of Multichannel Power Supplies.
The Power Supplies PS-02 and PS-03 are made of high quality components to achieve great
performance over their lifespan of more than 100,000 h in 25° C environment. In
alignment to EN 60601-1-2, the internal switch-mode
Power Supplies are tested with 4 kV AC transient
overvoltage by the manufacturer and fulfill EN 55011
Class B standard for conducted EMI.
This ensures highest product safety and keeps the Power Supplies free from
interference even in a rough environment, where conventional Power Supplies
might fail.
Besides product safety, which is mainly achieved by internal
components, PS-02 and PS-03 offer great user-friendliness through their case
PS Power Supplies are controllable via USB and ethernet
interface (-LAN) optionally. In addition the free
PMK Probe Control
provides a graphical user interface and means to read and write settings onto PMK active Probes.
PS-02 (-LAN)
PS-03 (-LAN)
Name of Channels
Output Voltage
±9 V
±9 V
Output Current
550 mA/ Channel
550 mA/ Channel
Total Power Output
20 W
40 W
Signal Output via I2C-Bus control
signal for PMK’s active Probes
Input Voltage Range
100-240 V AC, 47-63 Hz, EN60950-1
Ripple and Noise(1) 8
4 mV
Conducted EMI
EN55011 Class B
Withstand Voltage
4 kV AC (Medical Safety Standards)
(input – output)
External Fuse
2 A
3.15 A
(slow blow type)
convection, (passive)
(1) Bandwidth 20 MHz
*Note that specifications are
subject to change without notice.